Monday, November 11, 2013

At Home Macular Degeneration Monitoring

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the United States.  While dry macular degeneration has no treatment, wet macular degeneration can be treated with injection of medications into the eye. Unfortunately, may patients realize too late that their macular degeneration has converted from the dry form to the wet form.  We recommend Amsler grid usage at home, but often patients do not notice the early, subtle changes of newly converted macular degeneration.

Untreated wet macular degeneration can create scarring in the central vision that can be difficult, if not impossible for us to reverse.  Early detection seems to lead to improved vision outcomes in our patients. Until now, however, only the Amsler grid was available for detection.

A new device, called the ForeseeHome, monitors patients with macular degeneration by using preferential hyperacuity perimetry to detect early changes that can be associated with wet macular degeneration. The testing takes three minutes per eye and is done several times per week.  The device then transmits the data to a center that compares your results to previous results.  If there is a change, the device alerts your physician who can then contact you and recommend an evaluation.

Not every patient with macular degeneration qualifies for the use of the ForeseeHome.   We at NC Retina are prescribers of ForseeHome, so if you are interested in learning more about at home macular degeneration testing, your physician can discuss this with you at your next visit and write a prescription for the device if appropriate.

This is not intended to be medical advice.  Please consult your physician for medical advice.